
The Speed platform API is currently in its first version. It is a reliable bitcoin and stablecoin payment platform organized around REST API, making it easy to integrate bitcoin and stablecoin payments into new and existing applications. Speed uses a bitcoin lightning network to enable you to receive and send microtransactions lightning-fast. Additionally, these payments are made secure, straightforward, borderless, and programmable at a significantly lower cost. Notwithstanding the type of business you are in, whether it is an online retail store, marketplace, SaaS, e-commerce, B2B, or B2C - Speed offers a robust platform without you needing to spend months on integration and customization, saving you enough time to focus on your product’s success and customer experience.

Why Speed?

  • By leveraging our API, harness the power of various services like checkout link, payment link and checkout session within your application and enhance Speed’s impact through research, solutions, and more.
  • It has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and employs standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs, resulting in a solid payment infrastructure.
  • To model and test your integration, we provide all features in both test & live mode. The API key used to authenticate the request determines whether the request is in live or test mode. In our test mode, you can experiment with stimulating payments without changing live data or dealing with a live bitcoin/stablecoin node.
  • All of this and more is explained in our developer documentation guides.

If you haven't done so already, go ahead and create an account and start exploring. If you need direct help, contact us for technical support.

Questions? Contact us