Webhooks and Events


A Webhook is an HTTPS request triggered by an event happening in Speed and sent to your (destination) system, often with a payload of data. When an event occurs, Speed will send events objects directly to the endpoint you registered. Webhooks are automated, which means they are sent out automatically when an event occurs in the Speed system.

You should be able to use webhooks for the test as well as live mode. To receive real-time events from Speed, first, you must register your webhook endpoint. A webhook endpoint must have an URLand a list of enabled_events.

Webhooks enables Speed to push real-time notifications to your app. You can then use these notifications to execute actions in your application.
You must register a webhook endpoint to receive live notifications about all subscribed events occurring in your Speed account. You can configure webhook endpoints via the APIs. However, most users configure webhooks from the web application, which provides a user interface for registering and testing your webhook endpoints.


Events occur when resources change state. Therefore, they become significant triggers in your account for decisions and actions. When an event occurs, we create a new event object. The event object has a structured template with an event_typeID, and related Speed resource nested under data.

You can use APIs to retrieve an individual event or a list of events occurring in your account. Once you have the event object, check the event_type to know which event happened. To know more about the type of events we provide, check this out.

Event data is rendered according to the Speed version at its creation time, specified in the event object's api_version attribute. You will see event data in the Speed Web Applicationretained for 30 days. After that, the data is archived or deleted.

Events Triggers

Let's see how events are logged now that you know what they are. The following table describes how Speed logs events for your account.

APPWhen your actions or your user’s actions on the Speed app or web app result in Speed resource modification.Logs one or more events on the events page.
APIWhen you manually call an API.Logs one or more events on the events page.
AutomaticWhen any speed resource gets modified due to Speed system generated action or an on-chain/Ethereum/Tron payment process..Logs one or more events on the events page.

We also have webhooks for sending the Event objects directly to an endpoint on your server.

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