The instant send object

Instant send enables you to send money to outside Speed or to another Speed account by sending the amount to the recipient’s LN address, LN invoice, LNURL or bitcoin address, depending on whether you’re using lightning or on-chain payment method.

Instant send ensures that the latest exchange rate and fees is applied, enabling adjustments to the amount based on the current exchange rates.

    "id": "is_lyyb6412hOYewDuK",
    "object": "instant_send",
    "status": "paid",
    "withdraw_id": "wi_lyyb641aAj5wn2Kl",
    "amount": 200,
    "currency": "SATS",
    "target_amount": 2,
    "target_currency": "SATS",
    "fees": 1,
    "speed_fee": {
        "percentage": 0,
        "amount": 0
    "exchange_rate": 1,
    "conversion": 1,
    "withdraw_method": "lightning",
    "withdraw_request": "[email protected]",
    "withdraw_type": "lightning_address",
    "note": "Sending 200 SATS",
    "failure_reason": null,
    "explorer_link": null,
    "created": 1721732656358,
    "modified": 1721732658859


id string
Unique identifier for the object.

object string

The type of the object indicates to which entity this response belongs.

status enum
The instant send can have three statuses.

  • unpaid
  • The instant send has an unpaid status after its creation until it is paid or failed.
  • paid
  • The instant send will be marked as paid once the recipient receives the payment.
  • failed
  • The instant send will be marked as failed if the withdraw fails.

withdraw_id string

When a instant send is created, it automatically creates a withdraw depending on the withdraw request and the withdraw method. This value is the unique identifier of the withdraw.

amount BigDecimal

The amount which is to be sent.

currency string

The base currency in which you prefer to send payment. By default, it is set to SATS for lightning method while for on-chain transaction, you should pass the currency mandatorily.

target_amount BigDecimal

The converted amount (from base currency to target currency) for which the instant send is generated..

target_currency string

The cryptocurrency in which you prefer to send payment. As of now, Speed supports only SATS..

fees BigDecimal

Specifies the network fee applied during this transaction.

speed_fee object

It could be a percentage or an amount.

  • percentage
  • The percentage of Speed fee applied to the instant send.
  • amount
  • The amount of Speed fee applied to the instant send.

exchange_rate BigDecimal

The exchange rate used to convert the currency (base currency) into target_currency..

withdraw_method string

The withdraw method for the instant send, lightning or onchain..

withdraw_request string

The recipient’s LN address, LN invoice or LNURL for lightning method and bitcoin address for on-chain method.

withdraw_type enum

This is identified by the type of withdraw_request. It can be lightning address, lightning invoice, LNURL or onchain address.

note string

The note entered while creating the instant send.

failure_reason string

The reason why the instant send failed.

explorer_link string

It allows to view your transaction’s blockchain data and more details.

created timestamp

Time at which the instant send object was created.

modified timestamp

Time at which the last modification was made.